Terms & Conditions
General Terms of Use
Domuslabs informs you that access to and use of this website, including its subdomains and directories (hereinafter, the "website"), as well as the services or contents available through it, are subject to the terms outlined in this legal notice. Please note that access to some services or content may require acceptance of additional general or specific terms and conditions.
Domuslabs reserves the right to modify the website's content without prior notice in order to update, correct, modify, add, or remove information or elements of the website's design. The content and services on the website are periodically updated, so we recommend checking the validity and accuracy of the information, services, and content provided, as well as reviewing this legal notice.
The source code, graphic designs, images, photographs, sounds, animations, software, texts, domain names, distinctive signs, as well as the information and content on the website, are the property of Domuslabs and are protected by intellectual and industrial property rights.
Their use, reproduction, distribution, public communication, transformation, or any other similar activity is strictly prohibited unless authorized by Domuslabs. Users are only permitted to use the material on the website for personal and private purposes, and commercial use or any other use not related to personal and private use is prohibited.
Domuslabs respects the intellectual and industrial property rights of third parties. If you believe that any content on this website infringes upon your rights, please contact Domuslabs by emailing hola@domuslabs.es with the subject "Ref. Website."
General Information
In compliance with Law 34/2002 of July 11, on Information Society Services and Electronic Commerce, we inform the user that Domuslabs' website is hosted under the domain domuslabs.es.
Domuslabs is a trade name for LACOSORJE, S.L., with its registered office located at Borda Rutllan 40, La Massana, AD400 Andorra, with CIF: L-716747-Z.
Links to Other Websites
Domuslabs has included links on its website to other websites that may be of interest to users. The purpose of these links is to simply facilitate the search for other resources. These websites are not owned by Domuslabs, nor does it review their content, so Domuslabs is not responsible for the content, functionality, or any damages arising from the access or use of these linked pages. Domuslabs respects the intellectual and industrial property rights of third parties. If you believe that any of the links on the website infringe upon your rights, please contact us by emailing hola@domuslabs.es with the subject "Ref. Website."
In general, linking to our website is authorized unless Domuslabs states otherwise. However, this authorization is subject to the condition that the link does not imply an agreement, contract, sponsorship, or recommendation by Domuslabs of the page linking to it. Domuslabs may revoke this authorization at any time, and the page that has established the link must promptly remove it upon receiving notification of the revocation.
To view the website's cookie policy, please refer to the specific section on the website where we provide more detailed information about the cookies used, their purpose, and how to block them.
Protección de datos
In compliance with current data protection legislation, we inform you that any personal data provided by users in contact forms or emails sent to the contact addresses shown on the website domuslabs.es will be processed by Domuslabs for the purpose of addressing and processing comments, inquiries, and suggestions submitted to the organization. Additionally, if you explicitly authorize us, this information may be used to send you updates and information about Domuslabs. To exercise your rights under applicable legislation, you may contact Domuslabs by emailing hola@domuslabs.es with the subject "Ref. Data Protection."